Review: One Month After Upgrading to WordPress 2.8

wpOne month ago I upgraded to WordPress 2.8 and haven’t looked back since, the feature set and operation of the new version has been flawless for me since the moment I installed it. I did write a post a while back encouraging most users to wait on upgrading to 2.8 until a few releases had come out as generally there are a few bugs that pop up and it’s a good idea for most people to wait and let some of these issues get worked out. As with any major release 2.8 had it’s share of issues and we are now sitting at version 2.8.3 and I feel it is now a good time for everyone to upgrade.

The latest WordPress version of 2.8.3 is a security release as well, so if you are running any other version you should upgrade as soon as possible and when you do upgrade please don’t forget to grab a complete backup of your site files and database ahead of time. In the unlikely event that something goes wrong you will be able to very easily restore your site from your backup instead of sitting there wishing you had backed up first.

Following the recommended upgrade process is critical, I also recommend that you disable your plugins prior to upgrading and then enable them one at a time checking each for proper operation before moving on to the next. I experienced very few issues with my plugins and that was in release 2.8 so most plugin developers have had enough time by now to make them fully compatible. If you happen to have a plugin that is not compatible with 2.8.3 I would advise contacting the plugin author or finding another plugin that is updated.

I am overall very pleased with the performance of the latest version of WordPress, it is more effecient and page load times have been reduced across the board, especially in the admin section. The ease of use improvements in the admin section alone make this a worth while upgrade in my opinion, the rest is just icing on the cake. Upgrade now and never look back.