I just pwn3d a lame ass scraper site

I love when someone else’s plans to scrape content and build a “niche” site from that content fails miserably. Sites that are offering worthless content in the name of “gaming” the system for monetary gain are popping up by the thousands every day it seems. Many of these sites will[…]

3 Easy Steps To A Spam Free WordPress Blog

WordPress is an amazing content delivery platform that offers a multitude of options and features that can accommodate the needs of most content creators. WordPress is presently in use by millions around the world, unfortunately with popularity comes a painful side effect, SPAM. If you have been living under a rock for the last 10 years or just don’t know, SPAM is[…]

Think Before You Write That!!

Everyone has something to say and some people just don’t think far enough ahead before saying things on the Internet some times. I am sure we have all read or possibly even said something at one point or another that we wish could be erased but there it sits, cached in Google forever just staring you back in the face, taunting you[…]

Secure your WordPress site Part 1

In the past few weeks I have read about dozens of Wordpress based sites that have come under some form of attack, while I feel sympathetic for the victims I hate to say that most of the ways Wordpress based sites are attacked can be prevented by simple measures that any site owner can accomplish. I will start off, what may be a mufti-part series on how to secure your Wordpress site now. While this is not the end all, be all of Wordpress security, following these tips will be an effective start to thoroughly protecting your Wordpress site and will make your site much more secure than most. If you really are serious about making money online, protect your business, it’s your responsibility[…]