14.99 Random Corner Peel Ad Script

*UPDATE – Free offer is no longer available, if you would like to purchase the script please click HERE

Time sure flies by, I just realized I haven’t posted here in two weeks. I have been really busy with other projects lately and well, I tend to put the focus on the projects that pay the best (unfortunately this site isn’t one of them yet) lol

So, to make up for it I have decided to offer a script that I had planned to sell for $14.99 for free, all you have to do is sign up for my newsletter using the form to the right of this post, confirm your subscription in your email and you will receive a coupon code that will give you a one time use 100% off discount in my new members area for the Random Corner Peel Ads product.

Once you sign up and enter your coupon code purchase the script you will have immediate access to the file download from my protected members only section. I have big plans in the works for this area as well, so getting in now will quite likely get your some unbelievable freebies as time goes on when I need beta testers.

If you would rather just buy the Random Corner Peel Ads script, you can click HERE to purchase it without signing up for my newsletter and you can also signup for my affiliate program by clicking HERE and earn 10% on any sales you refer.

There are instructions located inside the zip file so please read them before posting questions, if you are unable to sort something out after reading them please post your questions here and I will respond to them promptly.


If you use a shared host such as Hostgator and you are unable to get this script to work you may need to contact them and have some security settings changed. They have policies in place that restrict scripts from calling other files. This script needs to be able to call the flash files it lists in order to work. When you explain to them that you have a javascript on your site that displays content using flash files they will know what to change.

13 thoughts on “14.99 Random Corner Peel Ad Script”

  1. I have to say jesse this script is awsome, i am totally blown away by how nice it fits into the page in an unobtrusive way. And best of all you give it to us free. thank you !!!!!

    p.s if anyone wants to see were i used it feel free to take a peak here, :)


    Again thanks for such a wonderful script jesse 10/10 for looking after your members
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  2. Hey Jesse,

    I have to say I actually hate these scripts but….. that said they work well and you are a top man for giving us a discount code.

    Thanks, I'm quietly looking forward to using this (although trying to stop myself something is pushing me to use it)

  3. Hi David,

    I know what you mean.. I am not a big fan of a few things myself but they do work… it's hard to deny proven conversion stats… I personally know people who are making thousands of dollars per month by having a page peel ad on their site.. (I'm not one of them, I just have it here for demonstration purposes basically) lol…

  4. Thanks man, I may have a look, but where would I even find creative for it, or is it kind of like a “replace the pics”/modding kind of thing?

  5. Your very welcome. Usually you will need to make the creatives for it unless someone provides them with their affilaite program, is requires 2 images.. the small one that you see when its just sitting there that is 75x75px and the large one you see on hover that is 500×500. It's a very simple process to install the script and configure it, I made up some simple instructions that are included with the download.

    I have included sample images so you can see how they need to be made, pretty simple job for anyone that knows their way around a graphics program..

    The icons I have on the left side are supposed to be that way lol.. I set them up like that when I was experimenting with z-index values in css one day.. I have so much stuff going on here that I thought hiding them until the page was scrolled cleaned up things a bit :-D

  6. Thanks for the script. With your help I got it working fine. I use Hostgator and called them and it was no problem for them to make it work.

    Thanks again!

  7. Thanks for the script. With your help I got it working fine. I use Hostgator and called them and it was no problem for them to make it work.

    Thanks again!

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