Unless you have been hiding under a rock for the last few months you more than likely know what Google Wave is. I will spare you the sales pitch for it as that info is all over the internet as it is. When people get “invited” into Google Wave, after an undefined period of time they receive invites, or “nominations” that they can use to invite friends or other people they would like to get on Wave.
I have invites available and decided it would like to give them away to my readers, and of course get some traffic in the process.. SO, heres the deal and it’s quite simple, I will give them away by random drawing to people who sign up for my newsletter (or are already on it) between now and Monday (Nov 23) No catch, no hoops to jump through, just use the signup box on the right of this page and you are in.
For those who aren’t aware, the invite process is not an instant thing, once someone is nominated by being invited by someone with invites, it can take a day up to two weeks before they are actually “let it” to the system, so if you win please be patient, as hard as that may be at times lol..
Hello, may I have an invitation please!!! i'd be very gratefull
If you subscribe you can get on the list, as stated in this post I will be
giving them out by random drawing from a list of those who subscribe.. :-)
ooo..ooo…pick me. :) signed up.
haha, always nice to see some excitement :-)… I can't guarantee anything,
but I can tell you that your odds are good
I'll be a great add to your fantasy google wave team! i have mad skills :) pick me!
fantasy google wave team lol… so did you take your mad skilz and sign up
for my newsletter?
I'll be a great add to your fantasy google wave team! i have mad skills :) pick me!
fantasy google wave team lol… so did you take your mad skilz and sign up
for my newsletter?