You have decided on a niche for your internet marketing venture, now I bet you want to know how to get your marketing done correctly? Effectively using the following methods will help to ensure that the search engines can find your website, that your traffic is targeted and that your conversion rates are satisfactory. This is not the end all be all, but it’s a good place to start. Here are some of the most important things you can do to make sure your site gets traffic and that you are successful.
- Submit your website to quality directories (avoid spammy link farms)
- Keyword optimization (prioritize based upon your niche)
- Link popularity (use social networking sites to get the word out)
- Get quality back links from related sites (don’t pay for links)
- Content, content and more content (keep feeding the search engines appetite)
You may see ads for services offering to submit your websites to thousands of search engines and directory sites for a set fee, avoid these types of services! Using the mass submit methods many of these services use is a sure fire way to get your site banned by many sites as well as being associated with bad neighborhoods, neither of which are something that you want. Optimization is your next step, it is very important to use proper keyword density in your content so that you get the best possible rankings on the search engines and in turn make it easier for your targeted demographic to find your content. Of course you will want to optimize your site by using effective page titles, keywords, descriptions and the rest of the “normal” SEO techniques.
Building the popularity of your website is very important; increasing your link popularity increases the rank of your website in search engines and in turn brings you more targeted traffic. Remember that most websites are not an overnight sensation; it takes time and effort to build a successful website with lots of quality traffic. As with many things in life, slow is steady and steady is fast, take the time you need to develop your site effectively and do it right the first time. It’s much easier to put in the work in the beginning that it is to go back farther down the road and fix mistakes you made y rushing through these steps.