Five Tips For Successful Internet Marketing

With the rapid growth of the Internet today, the possibilities are unlimited for developing a successful Internet marketing campaign based upon your products, services or promotions. Each day more and more people go online searching for products and services on the global market, there aren’t many items on the market today that you can’t purchase over the Internet and in most cases have it at your door in days or even download instantly. This is creating an environment of monumental growth opportunities for businesses[…]

What is my niche? Do I have to commit to just one?

I was reading my daily does of “OPB” or, other peoples blogs today and I got to thinking, what is my niche, what market am I focusing on, what are my goals for this site and do I really need to narrow my focus to one particular area of development? I decided, I don’t need to limit myself and I can blog about whatever I want on here as I am the one paying the bills lol.

There are millions of blogs on the Internet, approximately 180,000,000 at this moment, that is an astounding number. Now, of course there are a large amount of those that are stagnant or perhaps[…]

Keys to effective use of forums in your marketing strategy

Some people complain that forum marketing is not very effective, but you know what, these people are badly mistaken. If you follow a few simple common sense guidelines when using forums as part of your marketing strategy it can be a very rewarding way to get your site, brand and products out there. It’s not rocket science, lets take a look at a few of the things people do wrong and how you can avoid making the same mistakes others have made time and time again.

One of the first things you need to remember is that forums can be a great place to gain publicity and to get highly targeted traffic in your niche to your site[…]

Create unlimited minisites in 5 minutes each or less

If you are anything like me, when you start a new project ease of use, speed of deployment and overall efficiency are important factors to consider. How many of you have taken the time to sit down, make up a plan of attack for your next venture to make money online only find that it’s just one more thing that gets added to your ever growing to-do list?

For anyone interested in the mass production of Wordpress powered sites, whether they be for monetization or simply as a better “minisite” alternative to traditional parking company offers, I’m sure what I am about to write will interest you[…]

Page Rank, Back links, Keywords and Trust Rank?

Every day I talk to someone that is either elated or completely bummed out when they find out what their page rank currently is. I of course will reply telling them that it’s great news when its high, and when its low I tell them not to worry about it quite so much, and then we talk about trust rank.

Everyone who is actively working towards a goal that involves making their living online should understand a few things[…]

Diversification, don’t place all your eggs in one basket

Diversification, yes it is a big word and one that is easy to misspell but it is a crucial element to any online business. Whether you are selling ebooks, promoting a product line or “enlightening” the world with your infinite wisdom, tips and tricks on how to make money online you should diversify. I was reading a post over at today and it got me to thinking, there are so many people that start off in their online ventures with a narrow focus and when that doesn’t product the desired 7 figure income in 3 months, they give up and are never heard from again. It is nice to see others in this industry that are focused and dedicated to acheiving their goals. I can say from first, second and third hand experience that if I had given up every time one of my plans didn’t take off as I had hoped, I would have stopped trying years ago and would be working retail somewhere[..]