How to start a profitable niche internet marketing business

Niche marketing is about finding small areas or opportunities on the web where there likely could be interest, but web searches haven’t gone through the roof yet. For this purpose, we are going to focus on developing multiple mini-sites tailored to provide a specific demographic specifically what they are looking for and nothing else. Most big corporations and many experienced webmasters will steer clear of this because they aren’t important or profitable enough for them. However, if you are looking for a small business to start with, that can grow and evolve with you over time you may have[…]

Save heartbreak, check your domain before you buy

You have developed your business model, set aside or acquired funding and set into motion the grandest of ventures ever known to mankind. You devote countless hours to your mission, tirelessly you plug away producing content and marketing your new site and often times working until 4am when you have to stop because your eyes a burning and your spouse is threatening to physically harm you if you don’t go to bed. Things are just starting to roll as you had hoped and dreamed, then something terrible happens.. Your fancy newSEO’d , keyword optimized, clean, beautifully designed content rich site is nowhere to be found on search engines, you know you have done your research and you should be owning your niche but nothing is there, no traffic, no results on the search engines so you start to cry and end up locking yourself in your bedroom drowning your woes with Diet Coke and Doritos, ending up broke, alone and 450lbs… Oh, why you say.. Why did this happen?[…]

Five Tips For Successful Internet Marketing

With the rapid growth of the Internet today, the possibilities are unlimited for developing a successful Internet marketing campaign based upon your products, services or promotions. Each day more and more people go online searching for products and services on the global market, there aren’t many items on the market today that you can’t purchase over the Internet and in most cases have it at your door in days or even download instantly. This is creating an environment of monumental growth opportunities for businesses[…]

What is my niche? Do I have to commit to just one?

I was reading my daily does of “OPB” or, other peoples blogs today and I got to thinking, what is my niche, what market am I focusing on, what are my goals for this site and do I really need to narrow my focus to one particular area of development? I decided, I don’t need to limit myself and I can blog about whatever I want on here as I am the one paying the bills lol.

There are millions of blogs on the Internet, approximately 180,000,000 at this moment, that is an astounding number. Now, of course there are a large amount of those that are stagnant or perhaps[…]

The results are in, we have a WINNER!!!

In case you didn’t know, I decided to run a short contest to encourage site visitors to post comments and subscribe to my newsletter about 2 weeks ago. It was done for a few reasons, but mainly out of curiosity on my part about just what it would take to get interest.

What I found through this little “experiment” is that people don’t really care about 25 bucks lol.. During the 2 weeks this contest was run there were 19 comments posted here, many of them too short or “unsubstantial” in nature to fit the criteria as outlined in the post announcing the[…]