In case you didn’t know, I decided to run a short contest to encourage site visitors to post comments and subscribe to my newsletter about 2 weeks ago. It was done for a few reasons, but mainly out of curiosity on my part about just what it would take to get interest.
What I found through this little “experiment” is that people don’t really care about 25 bucks lol.. During the 2 weeks this contest was run there were 19 comments posted here, many of them too short or “unsubstantial” in nature to fit the criteria as outlined in the post announcing the contest. From this test run I can see I will have to offer a more exciting or higher valued prizes for this to have impact on visitors habits while here. So, anyhow…. before I forget.. The winner, of their choice of $25 via PayPal or one month of advertising on this site (125×125 sidebar spot) is……
Chris, whos blog is over
So, congratulations Chris, thanks for stopping in, and commneting :-)
*this drawing was conducted using the resources available at
Congrats to Chris for winning.
Wooo! Awesome!
I think I’ll opt for the advertising… need to make an image though :/
Cheers Jesse!!
Chris’s last blog post..End of week round up
good choice, and have fun with the image creation :-) if you don’t feel like doing it yourself I can recommend a few good graphics people. Once you get it, shoot it over to me by email along with the url you would like it to point to..
Great…congrats to the winner
CH’s last blog post..Win Sony Ericsson’s F305 from itechdude-24/05/09