Amazing Woothemes Woo2 4 for 1 launch special
The crazy guys over at Woothemes have done it again, with a complete site redesign they are referring to as Woo2 and the much beloved 4 for 1 Wootheme special. …
The crazy guys over at Woothemes have done it again, with a complete site redesign they are referring to as Woo2 and the much beloved 4 for 1 Wootheme special. …
I typically write somewhat longer posts with more “guts” to them but this is something I thought I should put out there in case anyone isn’t aware of it yet. Tonight at midnight EST facebook will be opening up registrations to secure your domain such as fa[…]
Hey everyone, it’s now official.. I have completely lost my mind, the post title you read isn’t a typo and I am completely serious. I will set up a blog for you and I will charge you $0.00 for having me do it, the only money you will have to spend will be for the obvious things like registering your domain name and signing up for a hosting account that will house your shiny new, utterly fabulous wordpress blog. I will install your new blog, set up your domain and install and configure all the “must have” plugins to ensure your blog[…]
You have decided on a niche for your internet marketing venture, now I bet you want to know how to get your marketing done correctly? Effectively using the following methods will help to ensure that the search engines can find your website, that your traffic is targeted and that your conversion rates are satisfactory. This is not the end all be all, but it’s a good place to start. Here are some of the most important things you can do to make sure your site gets traffic and that[…]
Anyone who knows me will know I love contests, so here is my latest and greatest contest. I will award 3 winners a guest post to use on your site, the winners will be drawn at random and will be notified in a follow up post on this site. The post can be about any topic related to marketing, SEO, affiliate marketing, Internet marketing, site design, hosting, optimization etc (basically anything somewhat related to the topics you read here) Guest posts are a great way to get content on your site, provide your audience with another source of information and you show your participation within a community. By partnering and participating with people who have sites similar to yours, you can open up[…]
Some people complain that forum marketing is not very effective, but you know what, these people are badly mistaken. If you follow a few simple common sense guidelines when using forums as part of your marketing strategy it can be a very rewarding way to get your site, brand and products out there. It’s not rocket science, lets take a look at a few of the things people do wrong and how you can avoid making the same mistakes others have made time and time again.
One of the first things you need to remember is that forums can be a great place to gain publicity and to get highly targeted traffic in your niche to your site[…]